Monday, September 15, 2014

Hey, is this thing mine?

So I've been asked by one of my little Law School nuggets to start a blog about my experiences as a young lawyer. And that brings us here. To this beautiful little piece of the Google universe. So, to all of my poor children going through the Law School struggle right now, I am here for you. Anything you want to know, anything they didn't tell you in orientation: this is where to come for answers. Want a specific question answered? Post it down in the comments below and I'll answer it in an upcoming post. The one thing that I've been asked is "What does it feel like to be done?!?!?!?!" So because the person who asked this is pretty cool, I'm going to be way less snarky than usual before I finally get to my answer. The short answer is that you will never feel as cool/accomplished/superior/emotional as you do when you see your name on that JD for the first time. Savor it. Lord it over your families for a few weeks. Why only a few weeks? Whelp because then you start that beautiful time of bar prep and the only consistent emotion between graduation and bar prep is that you will be emotional. Like, all the time. Like, cry at ASPCA commercials emotional. But let me ask you this (and here comes a bit of 'tude, so sorry!), why does that matter to you now? And I ask that as that girl who worked at the library and practically assaulted alums that I saw to find out about the "real world." And here's the hard lesson I learned. Being anxious about the future isn't going to make it come any faster or make it any easier when it gets here. You have one job right now and it is to focus on "law school world." While it's great to put in a lot of work to find that perfect summer internship, associateship, etc., if you don't do well in school because you're overextending yourself because of your great internship, your 5-year plan is going to turn to smoke in your eyes faster than Dean O'Brien can skeeve you out. So here is the true answer, it's cool getting a paycheck every two weeks. And it's cool not having to cry every other day thinking that Sallie Mae is going to rip my firstborn out of my hands. However, the grass isn't always greener on the other side. There is no one there to chat with for hours about legal hypotheticals and talk shit about SCOTUS justices with. There are no reference librarians as amazing as the ones you have now. SBA throws parties with free booze. There is so little free booze in the real world. So water the grass where you are. Fully immerse yourself in law school and truly live life while it is happening. You're not long for the student world, so enjoy it for every second!